Source: Wikimedia Commons. Scan from: Kennedy, Rakin (1903 edition (five volumes) of pre-1903 four volume edition.) Electrical Installations (Vol. IIIed.), London: Caxton, pp. p. 205, fig. 198.
A dynamo is a device that converts mechanical into electrical energy. One use of dynamos is for powering bicycle lighting systems. Whereas older or cheaper dynamo lighting systems often involved a roller device driven by a tire or rim, modern dynamo lighting systems have the dynamo inside the hubs (hence "hub dynamos" or “dynohubs”). This significantly reduces friction generated by the dynamos as well as eliminates tire- and rim-wear.
What Canadians call a "gasbar", with attendand convenience store
Unlike battery based lights, dynohub based lighting systems are normally fixed to the bicycle like other components and are thus not easily removable without tools. It is also possible to enhance the security of these systems by using uncommon fasteners to further reduce theft and vandalism.
Most cyclists that have tried a modern hub dynamo lighting system would never consider going back to battery lights. Commonly cited benefits include:
Unlike battery based lights, you no longer need to mount and then remove lights every time you ride.
Because the lighting system is powered by a generator housed within the hub of the wheel, users never need to recharge the system or worry about dead batteries.
Having a dynohub is like having a battery that is always fully charged "as if by magic".
Dynohubs are also among the most dependable bicycle components available. They are maintenance free except for that required by regular hubs and have well over half-a-century of field and market testing behind them.
You no longer need to “plan” your cycling around recharging your bicycle lights in addition to all the other electronic gadgets you likely have.
Indeed, you no longer need to think about lighting at all and can dedicate those neurons and synapses to other more productive uses.
You no longer need to worry about forgetting your bicycle light and finding yourself riding in the dark.
You are thus safer, more conscious of your surroundings and have nothing further to do after an initial set up.
Properly fitted, mid- to high-end dynamo lighting systems like those we carry will provide more than sufficient lighting for riding at high speeds in pitch black conditions for years without any form of subsequent maintenance!
Design for a sustainable living space
Although rechargeable bicycle lighting systems are more environmentally friendly than ones based on disposable batteries, even the best of rechargeable batteries eventually wear out and contribute to our global stock of chemical waste. Moreover, drawing power from the grid to recharge batteries − however little − is also part of the problem, particularly when more convenient and effective alternatives exist. The generator not only eliminates the need for batteries and ensures that the lighting system is powered whenever the bicycle is in motion … but why stop there?
Optional accessories allow the cyclist to store power generated by the dynohub to a USB powerbank (yes there is a "slight" contradiction here), that can in turn recharge most USB standard devices such as mobile phones, smartphones and GPS units.
Why add a powerbank? By allowing surplus energy to be stored, whether by fast riding or when not powering the lights or USB devices, cyclists are then able to substitute human effort for applications that would otherwise tax the power grid. The ability to store power also allows for a number of safety supporting advantages particularly when bicycle touring.
A cyclist could for instance ride with lights off during the day thereby charging the powerbank to ensure sufficient power for riding with lights on and GPS running at night for a prolonged period. The cyclist may also remove a powerbank from a bicycle to charge it from the USB port of a computer to provide supplemental power for electronic devices when planning longer night rides.
And, who knows, you might one day even be plugging your "human" power back into the power grid.
Advertisement for a Cogent Safety Bicycle, Barkers Wolverhampton Trade Directory, 1887
Bicycle safety studies regularly confirm that on average 95 percent of bicycle trips occur during the day, and roughly 50 percent of bicycle accidents occur and night. This equates to the fact that the very small percentage of nighttime bicycle trips are the source of half of all bicycle accidents. Who has not ridden home at night without lights − including those who have already purchased battery powered ones?
Safety is both the overarching and primary reason behind IDC's development of its product line. Its genesis had its roots in the conviction of IDC's founder that commonly available hub dynamo lighting systems were either cost prohibitive or too complex or both. Once confined to a small circle of enthusiasts with time, expertise and discretionary income to purchase and install them, the founder wanted to develop dynamo lighting systems technically comparable if not superior to existing ones, but that are nevertheless financially and technically accessible to a broad public. Ideally, the benefits of dynamo lighting systems should be a realistic option for parents to install on their children’s bicycles.